First week as a family of three

This last week has been absolutely wonderful. Other than a lack of sleep and a little Jaundice, Chris and I couldn't have dreamed of a better experience of bringing Gabe into this world and then bringing him home.

My water broke at 3:15 am Saturday morning and contractions started about 10 min later. Right from the start they were about 2 to 4 min apart, which scared me just a little and put us in a hurry to get to the hospital. We arrived at the hospital at 4:45 and they took us right in to the delivery suite. Might I just add that the delivery suites at Plano Presbyterian Hospital are very nice and very large. Right away they started checking me for dilation and started my IV as they sent Chris down to the ER to officially check me in. Upon arrival to the hospital my contractions were starting to come on very strong and were pretty consistent at 2 min apart, I was also dilated to 4cm. By 7:30 I had gone through the necessary 1 and a half bags of saline in order to get my epidural, and by 7:45 I was finally feeling good again.

After about 45 min my epidural had slowed down my contractions a little and the doc decided to give me a little pitocin to keep my contractions on track. After 7 min of pitocin I was 10 cm and ready to push. Pushing while the bottom half of your body is numb is a strange experience. You don't quite know if you are pushing hard enough or even in the right place. But, apparently, I was doing it right as I only pushed for about 22 min before Gabe made his appearance.

Chris was great through the whole thing. He held my hand through the contractons and my neck and leg through the pushing. He even cut Gabe's cord and not once did he panic or turn green at the site of all the blood. Also, because Gabe decided to come so early in the morning and on the one weekend where my sister Jessica (who was going to be our photographer for the big day) was out of town, he did a great job taking pictures of the big event in addition to his other duties. Within about 30 min of Gabe's birth we had ordered and eaten breakfast and then moved to our room on the maternity floor where we would be for the next two days. Gabe got to stay with us the whole time, except for the few times we sent him down to the nersury for some check-ups, his circumcision and yes a few hours of sleep after some long nights.

We have been home now since Monday afternoon and have had a lot of help from family and friends. All of the food has been great and has certainly made life easier and let Chris and I get to know our little guy and adjust to life as a family. We are now partaking in a new journey this week as Chris goes back to work. I get to be with Gabe and figure out how we will spend the days without daddy's help while Chris gets to find out how work is going to go now that our nights are frequently filled with dirty diapers and feedings. Thank goodness that my mom is here to help for the next few weeks as Gabe, daddy and I adjust to our new schedules.

Gabe has really been a great baby. He only cries when he's hungry or dirty. And really, if you listen to his cues he sometimes doesn't even get to the crying part, it's more like a small complaint. He seems to be pretty consistent during the night as well: he eats around 12:30 and then again at 4:30. Which so far works out for me as I can sleep in a little, but we may have to try and adjust this schedule as Chris needs to be up at 5:45am for work. We'll be working on that change in the next few nights. Hopefully Gabe understands. :-)

Our next adventure will be finishing up our Christmas shopping. We planned on finishing it before Gabe got here but he decided to surprise us with an early entrance. We'll keep you posted on how our first outting goes. Until then, here's a photo of his first bath...which he thoroughly enjoyed.

Having my first bath at home

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