Six Weeks and Smiling

Gabe is now 6 weeks old. I can't believe that he has been here for 6 weeks. Oh, how time flies when you aren't getting any sleep.

In other news, Gabe had his first real smile today. I wish it had been just because he was happy to see me, but nope, he thinks toys that make funny sounds are more amusing. Hopefully soon he'll think Chris and I are worthy of smiles too. :-)

It's been a while since I've had a few moments to post so we've missed all sorts of fun stuff.

We somehow finished all our Christmas shopping in time to enjoy the holiday, but if you took a closer look at all the gifts we purchased this year you can see an interesting development. All gifts purchased pre-Gabe were selected after due consideration. All gifts purchased post-Gabe were last-minute gift cards. I figured that since we were caught a little off guard by his early arrival, the people left on our Christmas list could do the shopping (with gift cards in hand) so Gabe and I didn't have to trudge through busy malls and holiday traffic for too long. Everyone enjoys picking out their own gifts right? Unfortunately, the gifts for my Brother Paul and his wife Amanda are still sitting on our buffet. Oops! We'll get it to you guys soon.

We hope you all had a great Christmas! Gabe sure did!

Merry Christmas

New years was a pretty mild one this year. We had pizza with our good friends Brad and Jenny and their daughter Kate. She came fully prepared to rock out in her pajamas. Oh, how I wish it was still acceptable to show up at a party in my pajamas.

Gabe had his first professional pictures taken to celebrate turning one month old. He wasn't too thrilled at first and we had to leave and reschedule for later so he could eat and be in a better mood. We got a few really cute shots. I may be biased but he's pretty much the cutest baby I've ever seen. :-)

The past few weeks have been pretty uneventful here at the Thomhouser household but some of our friends have had exciting news. Our friends Emily and Mike welcomed their new little girl, Mickaela, into the world on January 15th. She is just as precious as can be. A good friend from work, Becky, just found out she is expecting a girl and Andrea (also from work) is expecting her son Logan any day now. Brad and Jenny are still waiting as well. I'm predicting their little one will come this week! We'll see how well my psychic powers work. :-) Needless to say, it is baby season and I can't wait to meet all the new little ones. Gabe is pretty excited as well. Six weeks old and he's already surounded by girls. I knew he would be a heart breaker.

Finally, the one question I have been asked a million times now is, "Are you going back to work?" The answer to that is yes. Probably not until March, and then it will only be part-time starting with weekends and possibly moving up to taking a few weekday evenings. That's the plan for now, anyway. I may want to work more or start earlier. Only time will tell. Until then I am just enjoying my time with Gabe and hoping he will let me sleep a little bit more some time soon.

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