Our Little Glow Worm

After our first day in the hospital Gabe started to get a little jaundice so our pediatrician wanted us to come in and see him today just to make sure everything was going well. So we had our first trip out since coming home. I can now see why anyone with a child can run late for anything. It seems that no matter how early you start getting ready there is always something else you need to make sure to bring or another diaper to change. With Gabe it was a last minute feeding. So with a hungry baby we headed out to the doctor's office. Thankfully, we were able to start and finish his lunch there at the appointment.

While we were there, poor little Gabe had to get his heal stuck for a blood draw not once or twice but three times! It hurt my heart to hear his little cry. Anyway, the whole reason for the visit was to check on his jaundice. Unfortunately his levels had gone up and the doctor wants to see us again on Friday. In the meantime, Gabe will have to undergo photo-therapy. They delivered the gadget to us today. We are to only take him out for feeding and diaper changes. Basically we have to wrap this long flat light around his body and then wrap him in a blanket. It makes a lovely blue glow when you turn out the lights. So far he doesn't seem to mind it very much but I think it's going to be a long couple of nights for his mommy.

Our little glow worm

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