Almost there: week 36

Just a few more weeks left and then our world is going to change. I have come to the realization lately that somehow, someway, this baby has to come out. How scary is that! Yes, I know, I've always known that labor or a cesarean has been in the works but until it's staring you in the face you don't really think about it. And believe me, I've been thinking about it a lot! All I can do to keep my wits is realize that millions of women have had babies and have chosen to do it again, so it can't be that bad...can it? (Please, keep your horror stories to yourself, I don't think I can stand to hear them until after the baby gets here)

According to the sonogram yesterday, our little man is weighing in at 6 lb 6 oz. He will be considered full term as of next Wednesday, December 3rd. After that he can pretty much come at any time and we would be happy. More than likely, if my blood pressure and swelling stay in control we will be inducing sometime during the third week of December. We haven't set a date yet but if we do I will be sure to let you all know. The rest of the doctor's appointment went pretty well. He took some blood to test how my liver and kidneys are functioning and they are doing great. I'm still only dealing with the swelling. Basically what it comes down to is, other than being at work, I am pretty much on bed rest. He wants me home and off my feet. Right now I am just focused on having a great Thanksgiving and looking forward to playing a little Rock Band 2 before my last weekend of work. Happy Turkey Day!

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