37 Weeks: Full Term

We made it! Our little guy is now considered fully baked.

At our sonogram today we discovered that he didn't gain any weight this last week. Unfortunately that's not good news. In the last weeks he should be gaining at least 1/2 pound per week. According to their measurements, he measured 1 oz smaller than last week and that makes the doc think we might have to keep a closer eye on him. So, if he hasn't gained enough weight by next Tuesday we might be having a baby next Wednesday. We'll keep our fingers crossed that he beefs up a little. We'll also keep you all informed but for now we will keep him in there for at least another week. Good thing my last day at work is Saturday! Other than the weight issue everything else looks good. Fluid levels are good, placenta and umbilical cord are in the right places, our little guy's heart rate is awesome and he isn't in any stress as far as we can tell. Also, he had hiccups last night for the first time. That was an experience. Kind of felt like a slow heart beat near my belly button...weird. :-)

We also got to see his little face - more or less. He looked really squished in there so we couldn't really get a good picture. I'll get them scanned and posted soon. In the meantime my bag is packed and we are pretty close to being ready, as ready as you can be, for our little guy to arrive. It's all getting so close we might have to plan a date night this weekend because I have a feeling it might be a while before we get the opportunity again.

Do we want to take some bets on weight, time, hair color and so forth? The doc did say he has some hair. We just don't know how much: peach fuzz, 'fro or somewhere in between. It's all so exciting.

If, for some reason, we don't get to post again before he gets here we will be at Plano Presbyterian. We will also post pictures as soon as we can on our Flickr site. My sister Jessica has been kind enough to offer to join us and take pictures of the big event so be sure to check back next week. :-) Till then...

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