Week 34

I had my doctor's appointment today and - so far - cutting my work hours has helped. We are going to give it another week and still keep an eye on my blood pressure. If everything stays on track the new goal will be to induce the third week in December. Meanwhile, I'll just keep things simple and stay off my feet as much as possible.

Our boy is doing great and starting to move around a lot! Sometimes I think he's swinging around on my ribs like a monkey. Which figures as his nursery has just a few monkeys hanging around as well. Yep, we have finally finished it. (Well almost, just a few more decorative touches to go.) It's painted, furnished and my mom made us some great crib dressings and curtains. We have a few more pictures on our flickr site so check them out!



Jessica said...

looks good!

PnAnK said...

It's so nice! Great job! I can't wait to see it, and the baby, soon!