Four months

A lot has happened in the past few months. William is growing fast and is now weened and taking a bottle. We go in for his four month well visit tomorrow so we can see just how big he is. I wouldn't be surprised if he is over 16 pounds already. He also has a new favorite, his little stuffed giraffe, yet to be named.

Will loves his giraffe

Will loves his giraffe

He is also talking up a storm. His little personality is starting to shine through. He is going to be such a charmer.
You talkin to me?


Gabe is quite the big brother. He is really taking to his new roll and is very protective of Will and also very proud to show him off where ever we go.


sweet brothers

The biggest news however is that Gabe is potty trained! We are so proud of him. We still have a few accidents every now and again but they are rare, he is only two you know. But he is in his new big boy pants all the time except while sleeping.
Gabe is also quite the swimmer. He has been taking lessons and can now swim, float, swim. This summer has been so exciting!
Here is a link to a video of his swimming.

Finally, here are photos of the boys at the same age. Gabe is the top photo, Will the bottom. Gabe seems to be a bit more cheeky but still so similar. My two cuties.

Gabe 4 months


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