It's a boy!

Well they are 95% sure it's a boy anyway. They have to keep the 5% probability for themselves just in case they are wrong. We had our first trimester screening today which helps identify if our baby may have down syndrome, trisomy 18 or trisomy 13. Everything looks good so far, we'll get the results in about a week. After they took some measurements of our baby's neck and a small blood test, they took an early look and determined it's not an it any more, it's a he. :-)

We got to see him moving around and he even waved for us so we could see all his tiny little fingers. Heartbeat is still going strong at just over 160. This was the first time Chris got to see him moving, we are so excited. Below is one of the sono shots from today.

13 Week Sonogram

1 comment:

Crazy May Days said...

Yay for baby boy Thompson!!! We just linked to you guys from Stephen and Jessica...let the stalking commence!